By Ivanhoe Sol Team
In Latin America, Valentine’s Day is also known as Día del Amor y la Amistad. Whereas Valentine’s Day has a connotation for romantic interests, Día del Amor y la Amistad translated to English means “Day of Love and Friendship.”
In this spirit, the team at The Ivanhoe Sol reached out to people in and around Ivanhoe to gather words to their loved ones.
Christopher, 12th grade student at Golden West High School
“Have confidence in yourself, don’t be affected by what others think.”
Eric, 9th grade student at Golden West High School
“You have to be responsible and do your homework so that you can enjoy what you like.”
Junior, 12th grade student at Golden West High School
“Always look for the positive in all things.”
Alicia Gutierrez and Laura Castro, Ivanhoe Residents
“Happy birthday step dad. Thank you for all the years you spent with us, our mother loves and misses you. Happy Birthday wherever you are.”
Crystal Gifford, Ivanhoe Resident
“Just wanted to say Happy Valentine’s Day to my husband Mike Gifford. Thank you for everything you do for our family. I love you.”
Claudia Becerra, Ivanhoe Resident
“I appreciate The Ivanhoe Sol, y’all been growing and doing so much for Ivanhoe. We appreciate every single one of you. May you guys be blessed with health and energy to keep being able to put together these events. We see you and we appreciate you.”
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