By: Esmeralda Garcia, Ivanhoe Sol
Ivanhoe Elementary School had their first ever Family Dance Night on Friday, February 9th from 5:30-7:30PM. The event consisted of information for parents from the Visalia Unified ELOP program, music by DJ Orale, and local vendors: Don Gummy, Kettle Queen and Taquizas Gonzalez. Ivanhoe Elementary’s school cafeteria was filled with families, staff, music and dance moves.
Ivanhoe Elementary School Principal Sandra Aguilera took the mic during the event and asked if everyone was having fun and the entire cafeteria replied a loud “Yeah!” She then went on to say,“My mother always taught me that life can be funner and happier with music and dance and so that’s why we wanted to bring this to you!” She also thanked her staff who helped put together this event from the office staff, to administration, teachers and custodial.
Ivanhoe’s Principal, Sandra Aguilera took the mic during the event and asked if everyone was having fun and the entire cafeteria replied a loud, “YEAH”, she then went on to say: Approximately 300 people attended this event. Mrs. Aguilera enjoys bringing families together at the school site and is already planning more events to keep students engaged in their learning and to keep Ivanhoe in the spotlight.
Getting to know Ivanhoe’s Principal
Ivanhoe Elementary School gained a new principal at the beginning of this school year. Mrs. Aguilera grew up in the central valley and was the first in her family to attend college and become a teacher. She attended California State University, Fresno and Fresno Pacific University. She has two daughters, Brandi age 22 and Alexis age 16, and is married to Zaid Aguilera. Sandra has been an educator for 30 years and she says that time has gone by so fast! She began her career as a Primary Language Specialist, instructing 3rd-6th grade students in the content areas in Spanish.
She then moved on to be a 4th grade teacher, vice principal, principal, and assessment coordinator. This is Mrs. Aguilera’s 18th year as a principal. She has enjoyed every minute of her educational career, especially being a site leader, because she works directly with students and staff.
Sandra has loved working with the staff and students at Ivanhoe and she likes that Ivanhoe is a small, connected community. Sandra believes that teamwork between the staff, students, and parents is what makes the magic of learning happen. Sandra is a lifelong learner and feels honored to have joined the Visalia Unified School District.
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