By: Esmeralda Garcia Ivanhoe Sol
Alondra Rivas Gonzalez of Ivanhoe, had been working since October on her public speaking skills and recently placed 1st out of 21 other students in an annual speech competition for local members of the Future Farmers of America (FFA). This program provides high school-aged students various opportunities to raise animals, learn various skills for the agricultural economy, and develop public speaking skills.
After her latest victory, Alondra will be advancing to the state finals contest this month for the First State Creed trophy. Francisco Escamilla, Agriculture Teacher shared “Golden West High School’s FFA hosted the 3rd Annual FFA Regional Spanish Creed Contest in which 49 students from all over the San Joaquin Valley competed to advance to the State Finals. Golden West had a student in this competition, where the students were tasked with memorizing the FFA Creed in Spanish and answering three questions regarding the FFA organization, the FFA Creed or Agriculture in Spanish.
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