
Letter form the Editor: A Sign of the Times

While I have engaged and worked with the community of Ivanhoe for nearly seven years, I am not a resident of Ivanhoe. Nevertheless, when I heard of the tragic loss of Pablo I knew in my heart that this was a major event for the community and an unfortunate sign of the times. 

Yet as I learned what I could from whatever details were available and visited the memorial site, my heart sank for the series of unfortunate circumstances that led to this tragic development. 

Collectively, we still have much further to go to reach peace.

I wish that as a society we can care for each other and where gun violence ceases to take the lives of the innocent across the country. But in addition, I hope that sooner than later, we reach towards a future where we support those most vulnerable in meaningful ways. 

In this case, where we realize a future where those with disabilities are able to live their full lives and that young men no longer resort to violence as a solution to any situation they find themselves in.

Ivanhoe residents, and all of us, deserve peace and respect-filled lives. My most sincere condolences to the Rodríguez family and to Ivanhoe. 



Pedro Hernandez


Ivanhoe Sol

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